The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Cairo, Egypt is: 6,142 miles / 9,885 km
The flight time from Tampa, Florida to Cairo, Egypt is 13 hours, 2 minutes.
The flight time from Kuwait to Cairo, Egypt is about 2 hours.
About 4hr 00min Frankfurt (FRA) to Cairo (CAI) by a nonstop flight operated by Egyptair or Lufthansa.
The flight time is 4 hours. However, Cairo is 2 hours behind Abu Dhabi so if you take off from Abu Dhabi at 9am, you will arrive in Cairo at 11am (4 hour flight time, minus 2 hour time difference).
The flight time from Glasgow, UK to Cairo, Egypt is approximately 5 hours and 28 minutes. The exact travel time depends on factors such as weather conditions, flight speed, refuelling stops and delays.
The flight time from Chicago, Illinois to Acapulco, Mexico is about 4hrs.
A flight from Cairo to Istanbul, Turkey takes one hour. Flight times range from 50 minutes to one hour.
8hr 5mn direct flying time.
4hr 25min Cairo (CAI) to Frankfurt (FRA) by a nonstop flight operated by Egyptair / Lufthansa.
The flight time from Chicago, Illinois to Acapulco, Mexico is about 4hrs.
3hr 45min to 4hr 00min DXB to CAI by a nonstop flight operated by Eqyptair or Emirates Airlines.The flight time from Cairo to Dubai depends with the particular airline in question.