Christian Fauria is 6' 4".
Christian Fauria was born on September 22, 1971, in Harbor City, California, USA.
NFL player Joseph Fauria is 6'-07''.
Joseph Fauria plays for the Detroit Lions.
Óscar Rubio Fauria was born on 1984-05-14.
Joseph Fauria is number 80 on the Detroit Lions.
Joseph Fauria plays Tight End for the Detroit Lions.
NFL player Joseph Fauria played for UCLA.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Joseph Fauria is 24 years old.
The following players named Christian have played for/or were drafted by the Patriots: Christian Fauria played Tight End for the Patriots from 2002-2005. Christian Cox played Defensive End for the Patriots in the 2011 season. Christian Peter, a defensive tackle from Nebraska, was drafted by the Patriots in 1996 but was released prior to the season (he was signed by the Giants in 1997) when it surfaced he was arrested for a 7th time for assaulting a woman.
"Christian" is a belief not an ethnicity.