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No formal education is required. Many "phenoms" receive home-schooling or are given alleged tutors to try to read and eventually print an "x" on a pro contract.

Gretzky went to Ross Sheppard high in Edmonton and did not finish grade 11 when he played on the oilers in the WHA.

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Its not about years its about how much you try to get better. The better you get the better the chance is that you can get sponsored. From there you move up and up.

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You don't need education, you just have to be good at hockey.

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Q: What is the education required for to become a NHL hockey player?
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What schooling has to be completed to be a NHL player?

No schooling is required in order to become an NHL player. It is a professional league that depends on hockey ability, not education. You can be as uneducated as you like so long as you are good at hockey.

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There is no education required to become a basketball player, other than basketball knowledge. Much training, however, is necessary. One cannot be a good player unless a large amount of training is put in.

What education or training do you need to become a professional hockey player?

There are no educational requirements for becoming a professional hockey player. However, tons of training goes into becoming a professional hockey player. You likely would have to play hockey your entire life, practicing nearly every day. You have to not only be the best at the sport but have great strength and stamina. You would have to do cross-training to get these skills.

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Practice and dedication.

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You do not need any education. Other than basketball knowledge, there is no education required. Thus, some NBA players do not have a college degree.

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A hockey player tends to become interssted in dancing because in keeps there flexibility level up in the offseason

Can learning hockey help you become a better hockey player?

Well yeah!!! You kinda have to know how the game is played in order to be a good player.

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Be really good ;P