Black Betty was by Ram Jam. As far as I know, that's the earliest recorded version.
According to the Muslims, the earliest recorded date of the Quaran is 610.
The chiniese
The battle of the Angles as recorded in the Bible.
No, the earliest forms of soccer are said to be from China in 300-200 BC.
what is the earliest recorded uses of somple machines
Believe it or not, prostitution is actually one of the earliest recorded businesses.
The earliest was a song recorded in 1970, the first to have all four members together.
Soccer/football - The earliest reference to this sort of game is Chinese manuscript placing it about 200 BC. Baseball/Rounders -The earliest reference to this sort of game is a French manuscript of 1344 AD.
Marriage has been around for over 5,000 years ago and the earliest marriage certificate found is approximately 2,500 years old. The earliest marriage recorded is in the bible where the marriage between Adam and Eve is recorded. Interestingly, there is no mention of Eve taking Adams last name :)
The earliest recorded author of Greek plays is Thespis, who is credited with being the first actor in ancient Greek drama. He is also considered the founder of Greek tragedy.