Football vary in sizes.
A size 5 ball is the FIFA Standard ball used in professional soccer.
A mini football, size 3 or 4, can be used for many different purposes such as Handball and Futsal.
In Handball ( Size 3 ball used ) the size of the ball is ;
Circumference (in cm) = 58 - 60
Weight (in g) = 425 - 475.
Whereas a standard soccer ball ( Size 5 ) is ;
Circumference (in cm) = 68 - 70
Weight (in g) = 410 - 450.
That is the penalty arc. Its center is the penalty mark and has a radius of 10 yards. During a penalty kick, all non-kicking players must be outside of the penalty area and also the penalty arc at the moment of the kick.
It is a part of a circle with a radius of 10 yards, where its center is the penalty mark. It is 2 yards from the penalty area boundary at its furthest point.
The D, otherwise known as the penalty arc, marks an exclusion zone where no outfield players are allowed to stand during the taking of a penalty kick. The distance between any point on the penalty arc, and the penalty spot itself, is 10 yards (9.15 metres).
The penalty arc ensures that all players are at least 10 yards away when a penalty kick is being taken. It is not considered to be part of the penalty area.
A direct free kick for the attackers at the location of the infraction. The penalty arc is not part of the penalty area.
It is an arc that is drawn outside of the penalty area with a radius of ten yards and the center being the penalty mark. (Note: the mark is only 6 yards from the edge of the penalty area area) Whenever a penalty kick is taken all players, except the kicker and the goal keeper, must be outside of the penalty area, at least ten yards from the mark, and not closer to the goal line than the mark. Other than the taking of penalty kicks, it has no other function.
You are probably referring to the penalty arc which is at the top to the penalty area. It is not exactly a half of a circle.Prior to the taking of a penalty kick all players except the kicker and the opposing goal keeper must be outside of the penalty area and at least 10 yards from the penalty mark. The penalty mark is only 8 yards from the edge of the penalty area! So an extra bit of distance is added to show the players where they must be.
Foul refers to direct free kick offences. Any defender committing a foul against an attacker in the area results in a penalty kick. But, an attacker committing a foul against a defender would result in a direct free kick.
It is called the penalty arc. It is to ensure that defenders are 10 yards from the penalty spot when a penalty kick is taken.
The purpose of the penalty arc is to ensure that, when a player takes a penalty kick, his teammates and opponents stay ten yards away from him at all times. While the goalkeeper has the ball in his possession, no player is allowed within the penalty arc until the keeper releases the ball.
10 yards The width and circumference is 10 yards
The goal keeper may touch the ball with his hands and arms in his team's penalty area.