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Volleyball shoes may look very similar to Basketball shoes or cross trainers, but under the surface, they are very different shoes. Volleyball shoes consist of a gum rubber sole material. The rubber is designed to give excellent traction on the gym floor and prevent the shoe from sliding on the floor. This traction helps ensure a solid footing and helps decrease the likelihood of ankle injuries. This gum rubber is also non-marking to help protect the gym floors.

The next section of the shoe, the midsole is designed to support the ball of the foot. A volleyball player spends most of their time on the balls of their feet. This stance allows for quick movements forward as well as side to side. Basketball shoes and cross trainers are designed for running forward. A volleyball shoe provides stability for the lateral movements.

These motions put stress on the balls of the feet and the midsole absorbs most of the shock. Due to these stresses, the midsole needs to be extremely strong while remaining flexible. Generally, this is achieved by some form of foam. In higher end shoes, this foam is enhanced by gel or air cushions. This depends on the manufacturer and line of shoes.

The upper section of the shoe usually is made of nylon or a mesh material. These uppers are designed to be lightweight and allow air in so the foot can breathe to reduce moisture and keep the foot cooler.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

volleyball shoes usually have more friction on them so you don't slide but there are good sneakers with good friction out there.

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