soccer ball: you kick around a ball on a field and try to get it in a net, which earns you points, you cant use your hands unless you are the goalie.
volleyball: you bump the ball by putting your two hands together and putting your arms straight out and try to get the ball over the net to the other team. you also serve the ball and set it, and only use your hands.
It is a volleyball game played inside a racquetball court.
outdoor volleyball is played by the beach. Inside volleyball is played by the gym.
One is faster than the other!
The difference between beach volleyball and sitting volleyball is that on the beach you do not sit to play volleyball where as obviously in sitting volleyball you would. Also I believe that usually disabled people play sitting volleyball. But I am quite sure that sitting volleyball could be played at the beach.
nothing but the skill level and the hardneess
Volleyballs are softer than a soccer ball.
Mini volleyball uses a smaller court, lower net, and lighter ball, making it beginner-friendly, while regular volleyball is played on a full-sized court with standard equipment for more competitive play.
Handball is the hand version of football but you use your hands. Volleyball is where you hit the ball repeatedly over the net to the other team.
Mini volleyballs are much smaller than regular volleyballs but beginner volleyballs are the same size as regular volleyballs but are lighter
unlimited hit you can hit it on your side as many times as needed. in normal volleyball you can only hit it 3 times and it needs to go over. usually a bump, set and a spike.
girls have a 7.5 foot net and men's have a 8 foot net C:
Because there are six positions. 1-serving position & in a 6-2 rotation its the setters home(base position) 2-RIght side hitter 3-Middle blocker 4-Outisde Hitter 5- Left Backpasser 6- Middle back- passer