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The game originally had more that 15 a side, used a round ball, allowed legs to be kicked from under the running ball carrier. Changes to rucking, 1 meter gaps in line outs, scrummaging, lifting in the line, scores for tries have all been changes. there are considerably more changes in the 130 years the game has been going.

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14y ago

Rugby has changed significantly over the years:

most notable changes have been within USA, Uganda, and Russia.

Teams such as the USA, Russia, Japan, Canada and many others will be competing much more competitively against main 1 tier countries in the next 3 to 5 years.

Rugby is the fastest growing sport on the planet and can only go further from here.

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9y ago

Many of the rules changed as the game became more popular and of course to comply with safety.

The rules now are a vast difference to the original rules. The scrummage is different in that originally you could have any number of players in the scrum , that of course has been refined as we see. The bind engage was never a referee control and when both teams had bound to each other they then engaged on the ref command and the ball was in as fast as possible so that the hooker could strike and start the 8 man push.

Lineout - these were really two lines of forwards, the ball was thrown in by the winger to a signed catcher. Jumping was all you would do as the basic rule was the 3 tallest players were the target. You could not lift but when a jumper was up you could support only. This as a guesstimate time as more penalties were awarded that was worth risking as no one really go that right. The metre down the middle only was enforced after the All Blacks toured the UK in the 70. They were great at the time of jumping out of the line making it look like they were barged out which was back 10 and a penalty. You can see these games on YouTube.

The rucking - was just that you catch a player and if he dropped to the floor you could still use the heel of the boot to drag him out of the way and gain access to the ball. There was no real getting to the feet rule and the ball if not produced would be awarded to the team how basically were moving over the top forward. For the player laying on the ball was the ceremonial "shoeing) or raking. This was dragging your studs over them in an attempt to make them move off the ball. It was frowned upon then but accepted as all part of the game.

Spear tackles - they happened to great effect and may a player was brought down and the ball won. However, in the earlier days of the game players did not deliberately drop a player on their neck as this was not the gentlemanly way.

The pitches were all in yards and not metres

These pitches were normally very muddy by season end and many a great game of sliding tackles was had by all where you could not make out team players at all as all were muddy brown.

There was no "specialist" front row as such. If you turned up to play and you were a prop or hooker great, but many a hooker would prop and many a second row, flanker and no 8 would have tried out the dark arts of the front row because a player was injured and no one else knew what to do in that position.

There are many more changes to the governing rules. However, the one that stands the test of time is, RESPECT. You did not front up to an official if you didn't like the decision (unlike soccer) The referee was male and referred to as "sir" now its sir or madam depending on gender.

The rough stuff stayed on the pitch and the only fight after was who could out drink and sing the opponents.

Originally no one in the union code was paid. Even touring players only had expenses and they would have to use they leave from work to join a touring side and even pay the fair and food themselves. Now of course players are classed as professional and semi professional and are in receipt of wages

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