One works with left hand, other works with right hand
The difference between the two is which side the ejection port is. Right handed shotguns eject it doesn't eject into your face. Left hand, for left handers, ejects left...again, so the casings don't eject into their face.
A right-hand tub is a reference to the faucets being on the right hand side. The left-hand tub will have the faucet placement on the left-hand side.
mens zipper on right hand side, womens zipper on left hand side..sometimes on right, men always on right
difference between hand drawings and digital art
I presume you mean the difference between Lift and Left . . . . Lift means to raise something (as in picking up a box from the floor) Left is the opposite to right (right hand / Left hand)
Well,an Australian car is right hand drive and a Canadian car is left hand drive :)
The umpire signals out by lifting his right hand with his forefinger up.
There is no difference between E-Learning and Virtual- Learning, both have same meaning. It is just like a person holding his er from either left hand or right hand.
I believe that spin is exerted on to the ball by the hand, swing is how the ball moves in the air and turn is what the ball does off the pitch. If you're asking about cricket.
no problem....we have to give money and some wrong things to iccc.they will join us
The difference between handwashing and hand sanitazation is that hand washing is youre washing youre hand with water and soap and hand sanitazation is using hand sanitazer or using those sanizatized wipies