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Actually, there is little difference between the regulation footballs for the NFL and NCAA. Both are the same length and width dimensions 27.75 to 28.5 in long circumference and 20.75 to 21.25 in short circumference. Both are also inflated to the same weight of 12.5 to 13.5 PSI. The lacing is also identical at 8 laces about one inch wide and 3 to 3.75 inches from the end of the ball. The only ascertainable difference between the two balls are that the NCAA reg. ball has a half white stripe around both ends of the ball where as the NFL reg. ball does not. The NCAA ball also can, and in many occasions will, have the home or away teams university logo branded on the ball. The NFL "Duke" official ball can sometimes also have black laces as appose to the NCAA white laces. The only other difference is one ball is thrown and caught on Sunday instead of Saturday.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Pretty much, only one thing ...

The width between the uprights on the goal post is 23 feet, 6 inches in college and 18 feet, 6 inches in the NFL. Because of this, the hash marks on the college field are 5 feet further apart than on the NFL field as the hash marks are designed to be located straight on with each upright.

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13y ago

Football is football, right? Well, though the basics of the game are the same and the uniforms are equally padded, there are some major differences between College Football games and NFL Football. Some of these differences are noticeable to the naked or uninformed eye and some are not. Ultimately, football is football: there are touchdowns, fans, tailgate parties, and helmets.

The biggest difference between college football games and NFL football is that NFL players are considered professionals and are paid more. They not only get a larger salary or contract, but they can also participate in any number of paid endorsements. College football players are not on salary, though many of them are on athletic scholarships of some sort. They may also receive a stipend, but it's nowhere near the millions professional NFL players make. If college football players make money from playing football, they are then deemed professional and may have to forfeit the chance to play for their school. Additionally, as one would guess, college football players have to attend class and meet a certain GPA, among other restrictions while professional NFL players do not have these restrictions.

Most NFL players are bigger than college football players, and this is because they have more time to dedicate to working out. They have trainers and doctors and other professionals on call to help them perfect their minds, bodies, and performance. Additionally, NFL players have access to gyms, other facilities, and products as most college football players do, however more resources go into this for a professional team than most college football teams.

There are some differences between the rules of college and NFL football, and many of them are quite minor. One of the biggest differences is linked to the fields the players play on. The hash marks on NFL fields are narrower than the ones on college football fields, and this is because pros start play towards the middle of the field and the marks don't end up meaning much when it comes to the calling of plays. In college football games, the marks are wider because they are used more. It makes kicking games harder to manage. Additionally, the marks make it so that sweeps to the short side of the field are harder because space runs out quickly.

One other difference relates to when a play is over. During college football games, a play is over once the person with the ball has a knee touch the ground. In NFL football, the play is over once the player is forced down by another player. If you fall and slip on your own, you can get up and finish running.

These are just some of the basics to the differences between NLF football and college football games. There are many nuances which alters how the same game is played for both organizations and has lead to the debate of which is more entertaining. We'll leave that up to you to decide.

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17y ago

The college football has white stripes on one half and is slightly (Larger?,Smaller?)

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16y ago

College football is played by college students. NFL football is played by professionals.

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16y ago

college ball is a little smaller

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