a setting, is
a hit, you hit it with the tips of your fingers when its A HIGH ball,. not a low ball i get kinda frustrated when theres bad players on my teammm only because ive played forr 6 years,.
Two players are blocking the ball.
Holding is a football term, not volleyball. The volleyball equivalent of a holding is a lift, which is when you lift the ball up or push it away instead of bumping, setting, blocking, or attacking.
an AVP is a volleyball league which has a volleyball brand,which makes that a common term.
The definition of volleytalk is a name given to communication between the coach and the players of a volleyball team as well as the parents and fans of volleyball players.
The Term "Assist" in volleyball is when someone hits the ball into the net on your side of the court and a different team mate hits the ball after it falls out of the net. Generally the hit is directed to the opposite side of the net.
serving, setting, and bumpingYOUR WELCOME
Passing, Setting, and Spiking/Hitting.
professional setting
"Plí" is a term that means "please" in Portuguese. It is a polite way to make a request or ask for something in a formal setting.
Passing, or setting
volleyball is a game in which two teams hit an inflated ball over a high net using their hands