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A tall and/or large player. 'Aircraft carrier' is a slang term for a center or power forward.

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Q: What is the definition for aircraft carrier in basketball?
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What is the definition for Battle of Midway?

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Is it okay to test sinking the aircraft carrier?

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What does the letter R mean in the NATO aircraft carrier pennant numbers?

aiRcraft caRRier

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The USS Eisenhower carrier is the most strongest aircraft carrier in the World.

How did naval aircraft fight the war in the Pacific?

Carrier fighter vs carrier fighter. Aircraft carrier duels. Carrier planes (naval aircraft) have folding wings/or wing-tips for shipboard operations.

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A ball carrier in basketball is a metal rack that used for storage of the basketball's. A ball carrier can also be mesh or in a bag form.

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Japanese aircraft carrier Kaga was created on 1929-11-30.

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Vikrant class aircraft carrier was created in 2015.

Is flight deck an aircraft carrier?

There is a flight deck on an aircraft carrier but, it is not an aircraft carrier as there are many other ships that have flight decks on them. The amphibious assault ship is a good example.

When was French aircraft carrier Béarn created?

French aircraft carrier Béarn was created in 1927-05.

When did Soviet aircraft carrier Novorossiysk end?

Soviet aircraft carrier Novorossiysk ended in 1993-06.

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It wasn't an aircraft carrier, but a battleship. The battleship used was the USS Missouri.