There will only be commercials if it is a timeout, halftime or something like that.
47 minutes.
You can go to to find all the Super Bowl commercials in order
I think they mentioned during the game that you could view all the super bowl commericials at youtube. Not sure of the link though.
Go Daddy is a domain name registration service that is well known for advertising during the Super Bowl. They're known for having commercials with risque images and themes. They have sexually suggestive commercials with very attractive women.
Sometimes the commercials are funny. Basically there are some people who watch the Super Bowl only for the commercials and to see how funny they are. It's all a matter of opinion.
it was $100,000 a second. So around 3 million dollars each commercial
commercials, ads...
Super Bowl's Greatest Commercials - 2001 - TV was released on: USA: 27 January 2001
Valium, for all those who prefer to fall alseep during superbowl! Guaranteed to allow you the peace and quiet of superbowl free headaches!