The Beatles team - thEbeAtleS The Rolling Stones team - thERStoNes Wall - floSATball Fly - flyiSgmoDE Bowling ball - bOwliSbaLl Tennis ball - teNniSbaLl Beach ball - beSaChbAll Low gravity - loWgraSiTy Be the same player - AllSowsAme
The Beatles team - thEbeAtleS
The Rolling Stones team - thERStoNes
Wall - floSATball
Fly - flyiSgmoDE
Bowling ball - bOwliSbaLl
Tennis ball - teNniSbaLl
Beach ball - beSaChbAll
Low gravity - loWgraSiTy
Be the same player - AllSowsAme
you carnt
There are no cheats
Some people want soccer to be more in the United States
password pleasse
get power tockens
wich one "fifa,pes?
Changing the controls on Urban Freestyle Soccer is considered a cheat code. Shortcuts and cheat codes are by consensus considered unethical. For some games, they can result in being locked out.
type 10315 on ur phone then u get a goal
The only way to speed hack in power soccer is to play against the computer with Cheat Engine. Playing multi player will disconnect the game.
Cheat - 2002 3rd and Cheat 1-29 was released on: USA: December 2002
Cheat - 2002 I Dreamcast of Cheat 1-19 was released on: USA: November 2002
Cheat - 2002 Adven-Cheat 1-23 was released on: USA: December 2002