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B-E-A-R-S BEARS BEARS BEARS Woooooo! Check the related links for the whole song.

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Q: What is the chant that Hershey Bears fans do after a goal?
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Joe Satriani's Crowd Chant!!

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Who encouraged Oprah to accomplish her goal?

Her fans because in one of her books it says that her fans help her accomplish her dreams. Thanks for asking

Who was the star field goal kicker for Chicago Bears in 1930s?

Bob Allman. He went to Michigan St before playing for the Bears.

What is Milton Hershey's motivation?

Milton Hershey was ambitious in that he tried a daring and risky move to start up his chocolate factory. His goal was to make chocolate well-known, taste good, and wide-spread. At the time the factory opened, this was a high goal but Herhsye worked hard and reached his goal. Hershey Chocolate is now one of the best-selling and most-recognized chocolates in the entire world.

Who is louder Celtic fans or rangers fans?

Celtic by far the louder of the fans we even knocked a radio station off the air once when jorgie cadete scored his first goal for us in the 5-1 mauling of aberdeen

What rhymes with Buma?

Laduma.Definition of Laduma: " 'Laduma!' is the South African equivalent to 'Goal!' It is exclaimed with gusto by goal-crazy South African fans."From the related link below.

Who was the Chicago Bears field goal kicker in 2001?

Paul Edinger played with the Bears from 2000-2004 before going to the Vikes for a final year. Koop from Kansas City