Roy Oswalt's birth name is Roy Edward Oswalt.
Roy Oswalt was born on August 29, 1977.
Roy Oswalt was born on August 29, 1977.
Roy Oswalt is 34 years old (birthdate: August 29, 1977).
Roy Oswalt was born August 29, 1977, in Kosciusko, MS, USA.
No, he did not.
Roy halladay and roy oswalt
Roy Oswalt is 6 feet tall. He weighs 190 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
The best pitcher is roy oswalt
roy oswalt, Jeff bagwell, yao ming
Roy Oswalt
Entering the 2008 season, that would be Pedro Martinez of the New York Mets with a career ERA of 2.81. Second is Greg Maddux with 3.12 and third is Roy Oswalt at 3.14.