Ronaldinho (Full Name: Ronaldo de Assis Moreira) was born on 21st March 1980 and was born in Porto Alegre in Brazil. He is a Winger and sometimes a attacking midfielder. Ronaldinho`s number is 80.
Heres some facts you might wanna know
February 1, 1993
September 28, 1977
30 feb 1900
My date of birth is 06.11.2006 Please reply me
The date of his birth is not given in ancinet Greek myth.
She was born on the February 25, 1982 she is hot!!!
i need a copy of my brith record so i can get my id .but i need my id to get a copy of my brith record .help me please my id is out of date
21 March 1980
21 March 1980