The actual stick of the Lacrosse stick is called a shaft.
just like a regular lacrosse stick. when you have the ball you choke up and leave shaft on the bottom. when you're defending someone, you have your bottom hand at the butt of the stick and hold your top hand in a comfortable position
indoor lacrosse is called box lacrosse. it is played mainly in canada. In box there are also different rules about your stick, gear, and general gameplay.
in girls lacrosse you have to have your stick at eye leval and the ball has to be seen above the head
Here is a lacrosse stick charm-
the metal is called the shaft and the top part(with mesh) where the ball goes is called the head and the rubber part on the end is called the butt the complete things is called a lacrosse stick. or you just call it a basket...whatever suits your style!! :P
a lacrosse stick.
With a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball
well, i put about 6 inches on the bottom and top and a ring where i like to put my hand when i pass
A girls Lacrosse stick should be about as long as your arms and fingers.
Regular sized lacrosse stick, cut it down.