A thin point sharpie is the best pen to use when autographing a hockey card.
Sharpies usually work pretty well.
You get fraus teeth and ring the phone then get the pen and go to zac and say I want your autograph
If it is a glossy helmet, you can probably use a Q tip or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Just rub the autograph and it will come off.
my pen
no, nfl footballs are a little larger than ncaa footballs
Ask him for it. I find that's the best way.Yes ask him or buy his autograph online.
I would use a fine tip, regular run of the mill, Sharpie. The ultra fine tip would be too small and not hold up as long.
Yes but their footballs explode ///Texas we da best!!
It depends on what the autograph is on (picture, football, helmet, etc) and if anyone else's autograph is also on it. That being said, most authentic Jerry Rice autographs of pictures are in the $100 range and obviously autographed footballs/helmets only increase from there.
no one is the best for pen spinning. but there are famous psers such as bonkura