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I would say either Roberto alomar if you are talking about hitting and warren sphan if you are talking about pitching

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Q: What is the best MLB showdown card?
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What is the best player in MLB showdown?

Mike schmidt

Why was MLB showdown cancelled?

They lost the rights to use the players names.

What stores can you buy MLB showdown cards?

stater bros... ;p

Where can you buy MLB showdown boxes?

Try your local hobbyshop,, or the internet

How are the pairings determined for the two MLB wild card teams?

the wild card teams play the best team in each of the leagues

Is topps making Major League Baseball showdown?

No, Topps is not making MLB showdown cards. If you think they should you should call them at 212-376-0300 and tell them that they should

Is MLB showdown ever going to make cards again?

no they will not because they made cards without the permission of topps so yea

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Who has the best ERA for a MLB season

When does Major League Baseball showdown 2013 come out?

Never, as the game from Wizards of the Coast was cancelled years ago. Independant MLB Showdown fans run various websites with up to date stats and players, but no official release will ever happen.

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In a poker showdown with both players having a flush, the winner is determined by the highest-ranking card in the flush. If both players have the same highest card, the next highest card is compared, and so on until a winner is determined.

In what year was the Wild Card established for MLB playoffs?