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because without one all the runners on base would be able to score on a high pop up on the infield the tag up rule is a compromise between that situation and not allowing the runners to advance at all after a ball is caught

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12y ago

The runner must remain on the base until the ball is in the fielders glove. Once the fielder has the ball securely(in the glove and the glove closed), the runner can advance to the next base. The fielder can throw you out at the base.

Actually the runner may leave the base once the ball is touched by a fielder.

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Q: What is the baseball tag up rule?
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In baseball are you out if the pop fly is caught by a feilder and not thrown to plate by the time you reach the plate?

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When can you tag up in baseball?

Tagging up allows a base runner to advance to the next base once a fly ball is caught. To tag up means returning to the base that you occupied at the time the fly ball was hit. You place a foot on the base and watch the ball as it is caught by the fielder. When the ball is caught, you run to the next base.