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what is the cide for pom pom squad in I can be...

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Q: What is the barbie ican be pom pom squad code to unlock the super?
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There are in fact multiple cheats for the beloved Barbie franchise Nintendo Wii game: Barbie: Jet, Set, and Style! The first of which being the unlock code that can unlock the Barbie super pink war tank with incinerator shells. With this code, Barbie can conquer the vietcong and crush any nationalist outbreaks within the Ottoman Empire when playing the middle eastern dlc pack. pls text or call the following number for the code: 8563409959

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Where do you enter Barbie i can be codes?

You enter them on the Barbie website then click on I Can Be then click on Got A Code? (You can only unlock codes if you are a member.)

What is the barbie ican be pom pom squad secret code?

Type your answer here... i don't know