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The back end is the last 15-20 feet of the lane, where it starts to hook into the pocket. It is where the oil is.

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Q: What is the back end in bowling?
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You have to ride the rail and make sure the bowling ball goes all the way back to the end. It is pretty hard to do, but it is worth a try. Move the line close but not touching the rail and press a and tilt it. Then try to let the bowling ride the rail until the end.

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The acceleration of a bowling ball at rest at the end of the bowling lane is 0 m/s^2. Since the ball is not changing its velocity, it is not experiencing any acceleration.

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Bowling originated in Ancient Egypt. Back then it was called "skittles".

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In ten pin bowling, there are four pins on the back row.

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Women's International Bowling Congress ended in 2005.

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Revolutionary Anarchist Bowling League ended in 1991.