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Q: What is the average salary of a professional hockey player in Sweden?
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What is the average salary for an American professional Hockey player?

More then youll ever see in your life

What is the average pay of a professional hockey player salary in the united states?

1.2 Million dollars. This was back in 1999

How do you tell people that you play hockey professionally?

You can just say, "i am a professional hockey player" or call yourself an professional athlete in hockey. Anything you want really.

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Who is Artem Anisimov?

He is a Russian professional ice hockey player.

Who is Zach Smith?

a Canadian professional ice hockey player

How fast does the average hockey player shoot?

About 100 kilometres an hour, over all grades. A specific grade will have a higher or lower average; for example, professional hockey players can easily shoot above 120 km/h, and many can get to 150km/h.

Where was the professional hockey player Joe Sakic born?

Burnaby, BC

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When was the Canadian professional ice hockey player Jason Anthony Rocco Spezza born?

The Canadian professional ice hockey player Jason Anthony Rocco Spezza was born in June 13th, 1983. He currently plays in the National Hockey League for the Ottawa Senators.

Is Alexander Semin Russian?

Yes. He is Russian professional hockey player By-TheBladeofFate

What is the cost to outfit a professional hockey player and who pays for it?

allot and there sponsor pays for it