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Anywhere from $45,000 - $3 Million per year.

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enough to keep tocos on the table and and sauce for the Pizza

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Q: What is the average salary of a professional basketball player in Italy?
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What is the average salary for a professional basketball player a year?


Whats the average pay for a professional basketball player?

The amount of money a professional basketball player earns will vary. It will depend on how good they are and which team they play on. The average pro basketball player salary is about $2 million per year.

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around 40 or 30 thousand i would say grant

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The average salary for a basketball player is 5.15 million dollars. The average salary for a football player is 14 million dollars.

What is the average salary for a NBA player in 2007?

Too Much... in comparison to other professional sports.

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$47,000 is the average salary

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The average salary for a Basketball player in Germany is, in U.S. dollars, $2 Million.

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What is the average pay for basketball players in mexico

How much does money does basketball players earn?

The amount of money a professional Basketball player earns will vary. It will depend on how good they are and which team they play on. The average pro basketball player salary is about $2 million per year.