the average salary is 1.4 million, but a players salary depends on position and team and how good they are you can figure out a players salary here
According to USA Today, the median salary for the highest paying NFL team in the 2004 season (Pittsburgh Steelers) was $895,716. For the lowest paying team (San Diego Chargers) it was $453,800. For the 2003 season, the highest paying NFL team (Cincinnati Bengals) paid a median salary of $731,200 while the lowest (Indianapolis Colts) paid a median average of $454,000. For the 2002 season, the highest paying NFL team (Philadelphia Eagles) paid a median salary of $762,995 while the lowest (New York Giants) paid a median average of $303,780.
The average player's salary in the New International Hockey league is about 3 million Euros. This will vary depending on the team and the player experience mainly.
That is tough to determine as different teams pay their players more/less money than other teams. According to USA Today, for the 2007 season, the team with the highest average salary was the Boston Red Sox at $3,591,667. The team with the lowest average salary was the Florida Marlins at $380,000. The highest paid player in 2007 was Jason Giambi of the New York Yankees at $23,428,571. Manny Ramirez earns 48,000,000 for two years playing with the Dodgers in 2009.
Drew Brees- New Orleans saintsPosition- QB Pay-$51MSalary/winnings- $40MEndorsement-$11M
(1981) - An annual survey conducted by the National Football League shows that the average salary of an N.F.L. player last season was $90,102, with quarterbacks averaging the highest, $160,037. In 1980, the average player's salary was $78,657, 14.5 percent under the 1981 figure. The survey, conducted for the fifth straight year, shows average salaries for eight positions: quarterback, running back, receiver, offensive lineman, defensive lineman, linebacker, defensive back and kicker. Next in average salary were running backs, $94,948; defensive linemen, $92,996; receivers, $85,873; offensive linemen, $85,543; linebackers, $85,205; defensive backs, $79,581, and kickers, $65,779.
A new hire gets a salary of about $60,000
I don't know about 1979 but an article in the February 1, 1982 edition of the New York Times stated that Archie Manning was the highest paid player in the 1981 NFL season with a salary of $600,000. Eli Manning signed a contract in 2009 pays him $106.9 million over 7 years and Peyton Manning agreed to a 5 year, $90 million contract prior to the 2011 season. An article in the January 29, 1982 New York Times stated the average NFL player salary in the 1981 season was $90,102 which was over $11 thousand more than the 1980 average salary of $78,657. Quarterbacks averaged the highest at $160,037 followed by running backs at $94,948, defensive linemen at $92,996, wide receivers at $85,873, offensive linemen at $85,205, defensive backs at $79,581, and kickers at $65,779.
In 2005, Michael Clouds last season in the NFL, he signed a one year deal with the New England Patriots with a base salary of $ 540,000.
The estimated average salary of a new broadcast journalist is $43,640 per year.
The average annual salary for a physician assistant varies by location and employer. The average annual salary in California is $70,000. The average annual salary in New York City is $89,000.
It all depends on your years of experience and where you practice. But expect a salary ranging from mid-$100,000 to $300,000.
The average yearly salary for an automotive mechanic in New York City is $46,000.00 USD. This is the currently listed average wage as of the 2nd of July, 2013.