In the 2011 MLB season ...
National League: The average on base percentage was .319 and the average slugging percentage was .391. The team with the highest on base percentage was the Cardinals at .341 and the lowest was the Giants at .303. The teams with the highest slugging percentage were the Brewers and Cardinals at .425 and the lowest was the Padres at .349.
American League: The average on base percentage was .323 and the average slugging percentage was .408. The team with the highest on base percentage was the Red Sox at .349 and the lowest was the Mariners at .292. The team with the highest slugging percentage was the Red Sox at .461 and the lowest was the Mariners at .348.
Generally, the percentage of plate appearances in which a given hitter will reach base safely.
OnBase is an enterprise content management software. OnBase helps customers manage funds, organize information, and increase efficiency. OnBase claims organizations that use it will reduce costs and increase cash flow.
Jeff Cirillo. Cirillo played 978 games for the Brewers between 1994-1999 and 2005-2006 with an OBP of .383. Paul Molitor is second all time at .367.
Unified Command
Dependents' allowance and free healthcare on base, as well as a spot on the waiting list for onbase housing.
Off base uses a ported box to displace air and fluctuate the cone on a sub speaker whereas on bass is a sealed box that uses compression in the airtight enclosure to fluctuate the cone.
== == officially, once he retired he wouldn't be able to get on base to use the shops. unofficially, if he had friends on base that could get him on to the base and in to the shop ys he'd be able to use the shops. use of military bases shops depends on the amount of disability awarded.......
to open up the cheat window press CTRL then SHIFT then C. Here are some cheats. motherlode - Gives 50 000 simoleans. kaching - Gives 1000 simoleans. aging off - Stops the aging process againg on - Turns the aging process back on again moveobjects on - Allows to to move objects anywhere moveobjects off - Turns it off boolprop testingcheatsenabled true - Turn on the testing funtios, use with caution boolprop testingcheatsenabled false - Turn off testing funtions. These cheats are for the PC only.