7 players in a netball team
No a netball team has 7 players but you can have reserves which could make up 8 - 9 - 10 or more players
As netball is not a hugely popular worldwide sport most netball players are not overly rich unless they are in a very top team and play an important position in this team.
netball is made of 7 players on a team the court and the umpiers
In netball one team has 7 players so in a full game of netball there are always 14 people on court and usually 2 subs for each team.
I am not exactly sure but there are more than seven players including the emergency.
All players of the Australian Netball team are Australian citizens.
All players of the Australian Netball team are Australian citizens.
A maximum of 12 players in a team with 5-7 players on court (a game cannot continue with less than 5 players on court).
There are 7 players on a netball team; C, WA, GA, GS, WD, GD, GK Hope that helps:)