After tallying the current starters stats from, 6'3" is the average height.
The professional life of an NFL quarterback is short. The average length of an NFL quarterback's career is only 4.4 years.
Doug Flutie
The Average height of an NFL CB is about 5'11", give or take 1/2".
The average height is 6'4" and weight is 290 lbs
NFL Quarterback Club was created in 1994.
There is no limit, but size is important in the NFL.
The size of a quarterback can vary. It depends on the style of offense that the team is running. If a team is running a pro offense, meaning that the quarterback stands in the pocket the most of the time, the the typical quarterback is between 6'3" and 6'5" 220 lbs to 270 lbs. Take for instance Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. In a spread offense, seen in colleges now, quarterbacks range from 6' to 6'9" 200 lbs to 250 lbs. The most important thing for these quarterbacks is speed. They are expected to be able to pass the ball and to make plays with their feet. Take for instance Pat White, Michael Vick. These are only the prototype size for quarterbacks. The University of Kentucky had a 6'3" 320 lbs quarterback. Donte Culpepper, who has had a decent carrer in the NFL as a starting quarterback, stands 6'5" 285 lbs. The most important thing for a quarterback is his decision making. That is what seperates the good from the bad.