Somewhere around 375 ft.
When a baseball is hit, the distance it will travel depends on its speed.
The average distance a 61 year old man might hit a 5 iron is around 140-160 yards. However, individual factors such as swing speed, physical condition, and skill level can also affect this distance.
tornados hit the U.S. on average 1200 per year
In 151, Mickey Mantle's rookie year he hit a good batting average of .311. This helped him receive in 1952 a salary of $10,000.
About 1,200 per year on average.
in year 1997
no way rbi is runs batted in and batting average is your percentage of getting a hit
Jackie Robinson - 1st ROYJackie Robinson in his rookie season with the Brooklyn Dodgers had a .297 batting average, hit 12 home runs, and was the first winner of the Major League Rookie of the Year Award.
Texas, though the average is much more than 110 per year.
an average of 20 tornadoes per year