Not necessarily, most softball recruiting is done through travel/summer teams. Also, many softball programs are not that good and could be considered a waste of time.
You play softball in the spring and in the summer!
You play softball in the spring and in the summer!
Softball is played with a bigger ball, on a smaller field, different pitching tecnique, bigger bats and there isn't Pro softball unless you travel to a different country to play, like Meghan Denny did. Plus, I play and live right next to her!!
It depends where and what team. I pay 80 dollars a month for my team in Texas.
The cost depends on what kind of glove, bat and other required equipment you get
softball is played with bats , softballs , mits , bases , people , and a field. softball is a sport you can start at a very small age to get better so you can play travel or on a huge team for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
To play softball
You should play softball if it is a sport that you enjoy.
I think travel softball is amazing. Only if you are into it though because it takes a lot of hard work and compassion. I have been playing since i was 9 and now i am 14. My experience has been very good but it depends on what you play for. Like you can play NSA ASA ISA... there are tons.
girls or men who play softball