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the area between the bases and home plate is called the base path.

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Q: What is the area over home plate between a batter's knees and shoulders?
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Related questions

Describe the strike zones in softball?

For fast pitch softball, international play and NCAA is bottom of the shoulders to lower portion of the knees. And the width of the plate. NOTE: Due to size of the ball the strike zone in softball can seem wider than MLB, but it's similar. Also the rules of the batters box differ between softball and baseball.

Where is the growth plate located in the arm?

In those who are not fully adult, growth plates are located on the ends of long bones. On the arm, the growth plate is located on the end of the humerus near the elbow.

What is the size of a batters box in softball?

3' wide x 7' long is the outside of the chalk lines which count as part of the inside of the batter box. 6" from the edge of home plate (white part not black.) of the 7', 3' should be toward the backstop and 4' should be toward the outfield from the mid-angle point of home plate.

Strike zones in softball?

That space over home plate between the batters front knee and back shoulder as they stand at the plate. It doesn't matter where the ball lands behind the plate. Check with your specific league as to what constitutes a strike. In many ASA slow pitch leagues, a strike must arch between 6' and 12' and land within three feet behind the plate. A ball that hits the plate is not considered a strike. The zone that is mentioned above is primarily for baseball and fast-pitch softball since those balls will have a more straight trajectory, whereas the slow-pitch softball will be coming down at an angle and this zone may not be accurate. Ultimately, the umpire will determine what is a strike and what is a ball, so you may need to adjust to how they are calling balls and strikes.

How wide is a strike zone?

In MLB, this is covered in Rule 2.0: "The Strike Zone is defined as that area over homeplate the upper limit of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of the shoulders and the top of the uniform pants, and the lower level is a line at the hollow beneath the kneecap. The Strike Zone shall be determined from the batter's stance as the batter is prepared to swing at a pitched ball." Home plate is 17 inches wide.

What is a strike zone?

The strike zone is 17' wide and from the batter knees to the arm pits ...Addition:I just wanted to add.. this is to be determined where the ball crosses the front of the plate, not where caught by the catcher or any other reference point

How can you turn off the reverse mow switch on a yardman lawn tractor?

If the mower has the reverse/forward lever between your knees, remove the plate that is held on by two screws and you can unplug the yellow wire going to the underneath side of that plate.

Where is the strike zone in softball?

The strike zone in softball is from the armpits to the knees tall. A ball that crosses any part of the plate wide. The strike zone is supposed to stay constant, even between umpires, but some umpires will always have different strike zones than others.

How big is the batters box in 12 and under fastpitch?

The batters box is about 6 inches away from the plate and extends 4 feet in front of the plate and 3 feet behind. It is 3 feet wide.

What is the biggest rule of being a pitcher?

I think there are three main rules: 1) Throw strikes. You are not going to get batters out if you can't throw strikes. Also, if you throw strikes that are located in the middle of the plate, you are not going too get to many batters out as they will be able to hit the ball sharply. 2) Pitch to location. It is much more difficult for a batter to sharply hit an 85 MPH fastball that is on the outside corner at the knees than it is for a batter to sharply hit a 95 MPH fastball over the middle of the plate at the knees. 3) Work fast. Keep a good pace to your pitching and that will keep your defensive mates in the game. They won't have time to allow their minds to wander.

Are ASA slow pitch batters out if they step on home plate after they hit the ball?


When the home plate umpire is behind the plate is he in fair territory?

No. The Home Plate Umpire, the Catcher, and the Batters are in foul territory, because they are all positioned behind the foul lines.