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There are certain things a pitcher may not do while within this circle. Fore example, when the umpire puts a new ball in play, some pitchers will spit on their hands and rub the ball up. Done outside this circle, it is legal; done inside this circle, it is illegal.

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15y ago

The diameter of the pitcher's mound on an MLB Baseball field is 18 feet.

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Q: What is the area of the pitchers mound with a diameter of 18?
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What is The Diameter of the pitchers mound?

The diameter of an MLB pitcher's mound is 18 feet.

What would be the area of the circle around the pitcher's mound if it's 18ft across?

A circle with an 18-foot diameter has an area of: 254.5 square feet.

How tall is a little league pitchers mound?

Pitching mound dimensions are as follows: Diameter: 18 feet Height: 10.5 inches at the rubber, with a plateau at the top of the mound 5 feet wide. Distance to HB: 59 feet (60', 6" from back tip of home plate) The pitching rubber is 18 inches behind the center of the mound (10 feet in front of rubber and 8 feet behind rubber). Dimensions of the rubber are 24 inches by 6 inches.Slope: Beginning 12 inches in front of rubber a line extended to HB will fall 1 inch for every 1 foot of distance until it is level with the plate.

What is the area of the circle if the diameter is 18 centimeters?

A circle with a diameter of 18 centimeters has an area of 254.47 square centimeters.

What is the area of a 18 inch diameter circle?

The area of a 18-inch diameter circle is: 254.5 square inches.

What is the distance between pitchers mond and home base in basball?

The distance from the pitcher's rubber to HB is 59 feet, or 60 feet and 6 inches to the back tip of home plate. The mound has an 18 foot diameter and is 10.5 inches tall at the pitcher's rubber, which is located 10 feet from the front of the mound and 8 feet from the back of the mound.

What is the area of a circle if the diameter is 18 yards?

The area of a circle, if the diameter is 18 yards, is: 254.5 square yards.

What is the surface area of a sphere with diameter 18 feet?

The surface area of a sphere with a diameter of 18 feet is: 1,020 square feet.

What is the area of a circle whose diameter is 18 inches?

The area of a circle whose diameter is 18 inches is: 254.5 square inches.

What is the diameter of a circle if the area is 81pi?


What is the surface area of a sphere with diameter 18 CM?

18 CM

What is area of a circle with a diameter of 18?

Area = pi * radius squaredA = pir2radius = diameter/2radius = 18/2 = 9Area = pi(9)2= 254 units=========