Cement mortar is a mixture of cement, fine aggregate and water.Concrete is a mixture of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water.Generally, concrete have higher strength than cement mortar.
Concrete is what you make a sidewalk from. To make concrete, you mix Portland cement, sand, gravel (aggregate) and water. The cement holds the aggregate together.
Aggregate, Ordinary Portland Cement, sand, water
1:1.5:3:0.45 (cement,fine aggregate,coarse aggregate, water cement ratio)
Concrete is an aggregate which includes cement. See the related link listed below for more information:
No, it is differentCement is a constituent of concrete.Where as concrete is a mixture of cement, fineaggregate, coarse aggregate and water.
Concrete is a composite construction material, composed of cement (commonly Portland cement) and other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement, aggregate (generally a coarse aggregate made of gravel or crushed rocks such as limestone, or granite, plus a fine aggregate such as sand), water and chemical admixtures.
RCC that is reinforced cement concrete which is composed of cement(mainly),sand(fine aggregate),metal(coarse aggregate)and water.Which is further more supported by iron which makes it RCC from ordinary cement concrete.
No, aggregate is the material added to concrete to give it strength and durability, while concrete is the mixture of aggregate, cement, and water that hardens into a solid structure.
Approximately 5bags of cement are in 1 cu.m concrete ratio 1:3:6 with 20mm aggregate, water-cement ratio 0.5.
For plain cement concrete, the aggregate used is of size 20 mm. For RCC structures, it is 40mm and for roads, it is 80mm
mix ratio is 1 : 2 : 4 cement : fine aggregate : course aggregate