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Eden gardens is a stadium in kolkata.

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Q: What is the actual name of Eden Gardens?
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Related questions

What is the correct name of eden gardens?

It could be paradise.

When was Eden Gardens created?

Eden Gardens was created in 1864.

When was Eden Gardens State Park created?

Eden Gardens State Park was created in 1968.

What is the area of Eden Gardens State Park?

The area of Eden Gardens State Park is 659,637.5968512 square meters.

Can you bring bikes to Eden gardens?


What are Eden Gardens and Oval?

They are the names of two sports grounds for playing cricket. Eden Gardens is in Kolkata, India; and the Oval is in London.

What is another name for garden of Eden?

The two gardens mentioned in the bible are The Garden of Eden and the garden of Gethsemane.

Names of gardens that are mentioned in the Bible?

There were two gardens mentioned in the bible The garden of Eden and the garden of gethsamane.

Where was eden gardens stadium built?

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Where is Eden Gardens stadium?

Its in Kolkata,India

Eden gardens is named after whom?

The bible does not mention after whom the garden of Eden is named after.

Is Eden the garden of Zeus?

No they are different gardens all together.