1991 Bradford exchange Michael Jordan and the bulls i have one but don't no the value made by Bradford for upper deck 91and 92
1991 championship michael jordon collector plate
Waths teh value of monark plate brand 1960
There is a website called replacementltd.com; there you can find the pattern of your plate and a price value.
What is the value of nobility plate reverie silverware
What is the value of a Lena Liu plate "REMEMBRANCE" plate number 4877 C first issu?
There is a value of a pueto rico pearl of the antilles plate which is $5.25.
What is the value of Manhattan Silver Plate Co. 562 dish
AnnIe collectors plate
bobby hulls plate cost 34.565$
Value of Winning colors Plate #1000
The value of a Beam bird plate depends on the year it was made and its condition. This plate in excellent condition from 1969 sells for between 89.99 and 99.00 as of 2014.