Bob Whitfield retired after the 2006 season. USA Today reports his 2006 salary at $1,172,640.
Sheree Whitfield is 46 years old (birthdate January 2, 1971).She is the ex-wife of NFL player Bob Whitfield.
Bob Whitfield, a former offensive tackle for the NFL, was born the year of 1971. His actual birth date is October 18, 1971 and he is currently 41 years old.
Bob Whitfield is 6' 5".
Bob Whitfield's birth name is Robert Lectress Whitfield Jr..
NFL player Marcus Whitfield played for Maryland.
Bob Whitfield was born on October 18, 1971, in Carson, California, USA.
NFL player Marcus Whitfield weighs 250 pounds.
Marcus Whitfield plays for the Jacksonville Jaguars.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Marcus Whitfield is -- years old.
NBA player Marcus Smart is 6'-04''.