orchid name in marathi
The name Vrushali is of Marathi origin which means beautiful daughter. It is a popular Marathi name for girls.
what is the marathi name of boswelli serrata
Keyboard is called as "कीबोर्ड" (pronounced as kee-bord) in Marathi.
Oats is otsa in Marathi.
The Marathi name for password is 'Parawali'
in Marathi - "Paan" or "Patra"
The name "cranberry" is believed to have originated from early European settlers in America who thought the flower of the cranberry plant resembled the head and bill of a crane, hence the name "crane berry" which eventually evolved into cranberry.
beri kaya is the name of the fruit in telugu.
The scientific name for cranberry is Vaccinium macrocarpon.