

What is the Lamb poll?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What is the Lamb poll?
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A push poll is a biased question. A straw poll is an informal poll. An exit poll is taken on election day.

Match the following A. Straw poll B. Push poll C. Exit poll?

A. Straw poll A. Informal poll B. Push poll B. Technique for spreading negative information C. Exit poll C. Poll taken at voting place

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The homophone of "poll" is "pole".

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A poll of Australians in January 2010 indicated that most people intended to have roast lamb or lamb chops on the barbecue on Australia Day. Although this was not what everyone selected, it was the most popular. Lamb is seen as the definitive Australian national food, as so much of Australia's economy relies on sheep and wool.

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A push poll is a political technique that pretends to take a poll.

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A straw poll is an informal type of opinion poll.

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A straw poll is an informal type of opinion poll.

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One type of poll is an opinion poll. Another is a push poll which isn't really a poll; its a way for people to give information about a candidate disguised as a poll.