The jearsy devil is a cryptid. Like bigfoot, loch ness monster, chupachabra, or a yeti. They are all real.
The founder of New Jersey was Lord Berkeley.
August 4, 2011
new jearsy
$10,000 per episode
in massachusets or new jearsy
about 10 hours if you have no traffic!
The New Jearsy Devils
First,you put the shouler pads on around your neck.Then clip on the side clips on to the front of the pads.Next you slide the the two knee pads into their slot in the pants.Then put the thigh pads in their slot into the pants.Put on the pants.Then put on the cleats. Now put on your jearsy. PLZ make it be a REDSKIN OR COLTS jearsy!!!!!!!!! Finally,put on your helmate. GO REDSKINS AND COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trenton is the capital city in the U.S. state of New Jersey.
I don't say "the devil the devil don't take me devil."
The old Lady is the Devil
devil man: demon goat!@@##$%%^