Acqua di gioia is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "water of joy."
Specifically, the feminine noun acqua means "water." The preposition di means "of." The feminine noun gioia means "joy."
The pronunciation is "AH-kwah dee DJYOH-yah."
The direct translation of the Italian word "simpatie" is "affections". It is used to denote feelings, such as love, happiness or joy, as well as negative affections.
"Joy" in English is gioia in Italian.
Tagalog translation of JOY: kaligayahan
If you mean joy of love in Italian, you could just go onto google translate and select english to italian and type in Joy of love in and it will pop up in italian, if not i have it right here: Joy of Love >>> Gioia dell'amore good luck (:
The translation of the name Hugh in Italian is Ugo.
The Italian translation for the word "speck" is "speck."
The translation of the name "Aiden" in Italian is "Aiuto" or "Aideen."
Gail is the same in English and Italian.Specifically, the name can be a feminine given name or nickname in English. It is a nickname in Italian. The name originates in the Hebrew name Abigayl, which means "father" (ab) and "joy" (gayl).The pronunciation will be "gheyl" in terms of the Italian nickname and "AH-bee-gheyl" in terms of the Italian given name Abigail.
The Italian translation for "il mio nome" is "my name."
The translation for 'strength and honor' in Italian is 'resistenza e honor'.
The italian translation is colleghi.
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