I know that high school soccer referee make 50 to 80 dollars per game depending whether they are center ref or AR . So I would assume college is more. I do not know about football.
pay scale of pharmacist in U.P. govt.
9000/- per month
according to me the pay scale of deputy librarian 15600 with grade pay 8000 and qulification with ph.d experince in 10years and know of library automation and e-library
5000-8000 reference NIT Surathkal
i am getting 6300 netsalry and 780 epf +126esic
Ans: Only after general election is over.
6000 to 12000 depends on the college
1,600 a game.
The "C" on a college referee shirt typically stands for "captain." In college sports, the captain is a designated player who serves as a leader on the team and may act as a liaison between the players and the officials. The "C" on the referee shirt helps identify the captain to both teams and the officiating crew.
pay scale
Pay scales are: PGT Pay Scale 9300-34800, Grade Pay 4800 TGT Pay Scale 9300-34800, Grade Pay 4600