

Best Answer

· Sport England -to make England an active and successful sporting nation

· * Start - to improve the health of the nation, particularly for disadvantaged groups

· * Stay - through a thriving network of clubs, coaches and volunteers, and a commitment to equality

· * Succeed in sport - through an infrastructure capable of developing world class performers.haap

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Q: What is start stay succeed?
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What is sport England start stay succeed initiative?

· Sport England -to make England an active and successful sporting nation · * Start - to improve the health of the nation, particularly for disadvantaged groups · * Stay - through a thriving network of clubs, coaches and volunteers, and a commitment to equality · * Succeed in sport - through an infrastructure capable of developing world class performers.

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You have to work very hard and stay in shape

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To succeed In middle school you have to be commited. Just stay focused and you will do just fine

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The future tense of "succeed" is "will succeed."

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By an obsession for conquest and self aggrandisement, he was able to mobilise his Macedonians and the Greeks to join and stay with him for his conquest of the Persian Empire.

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you study and work hart (always stay focused and listen to the teacher try as hard as you Can and if you want go to tutoring classes)

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I would like to start my own buisness in Mobile Fun Casino and Succeed:)

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It is impossible to succeed a thumbwar with a champion

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security light on 1998 s10 start but cut off

What is the past tense future tense and present tense of 'succeed'?

Past tense: succeeded Present tense: succeed Future tense: will succeed