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What is spur formation?

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What is narrowing with anterior spur formation C5-6 C6-7?

Cervical spondylosis is narrowing of the joint space and anterior spur formation C5-6 C6-7. This condition is usually treated with surgery performed by an orthopedic surgeon.

Can hip bone spurs grow back?

Hip bone spurs may regrow after surgical removal in some cases, but this is relatively uncommon. However, the presence of underlying conditions that contribute to bone spur formation, such as arthritis, can lead to new bone spur formation over time. It's important to address the underlying cause to help prevent future bone spur growth.

Can a bone spur in the back cause pain?

As with meany things in life, the answer has a lot to do with location. If the bone spur is not close to nerve tissue you will not have back pain from it. If the bone spur is located near the spinal cord or a nerve root the back pain can be great, and result in many other symptoms. Bone spur formation is typically regarded as part of developing arthritis in the back, commonly called spinal spondylosis.

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Does an echidna have a hind leg spur?

The echidna has a spur on its hind legs but, unlike the platypus, the spur is not attached to a functional venom gland. The spur is also blunt.

Where is the Spur-Dickens County Museum in Spur Texas located?

The address of the Spur-Dickens County Museum is: Po Box 303, Spur, TX 79370

What is the little wheel on a spur?

The wheel on a spur is a "rowel".

How do we use spur in a sentence?

Let me spur your progress.

Where is the Dickens County Spur Public Library in Spur located?

The address of the Dickens County Spur Public Library is: 415 E Hill St, Spur, 79370 2511

When was Golden Spur created?

Golden Spur was created in 1953.

How do you use spur in a short sentence?

Spur your team to victory!