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its called the urban dictionary jackass

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Q: What is slang for a 3 point shot in basketball?
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What is a slang word for a 3 point shot?


NCAA three point shot?

Yes, there is a 3-point shot in NCAA basketball.

How far do you have to throw to make a 3 point shot in basketball?

outside of the 3 point circle

What is the Point system of professional basketball?

foul shot = 1 point any shot within or on the 3 point line = 2 points any shot beyond the 3 point line = 3 points

When was the 3 point shot added to basketball in South Dakota?

According to a source at the South Dakota High School Activities Association, the 3 point shot was added to high school basketball for the 1985-1986 season.

Why isn't there a 4 point shot in basketball?

There is a rule called the 4 point play thats when you get fouled during a 3 point shot and make it and also make the free throw

What is the three different point values for making a basket in basketball?

1 pointer-free throw 2 pointer-shot made within the 3 point line 3 pointer-shot made behind the 3 point line

What is 2FGM in a basketball stats line?

2 point field goals made (any shot within the 3-point line)

On TV the term 3 pointer is in which sport?

A three point play is possible in Basketball. A three point play occurs when a player is fouled while he or she is shooting, and that shot goes in.

What year did high school start using the women' basketball?

I think it was in 1987 when the 3-point shot was introduced...

Why wasn't there a 3-point line in the 1982 men's NCAA final four championship?

The 3-point shot wasn't introduced into college basketball until 1986.

How many points do you get for a long range shot in basketball?

a two point shot is anything inside the 3 point line. anything outside the 3 point line is a you guessed it a three pointer ,and if you shoot from behind the half court line its a 4 pointer