In the NBA, there is nothing significant about 10 team fouls. In college, 10 team fouls means that the opposing team gets to shoot 2 free throws every time they are fouled.
You need 7 team fouls to go to the line for bonus and 10 is double bonus.
Go CAVS! There is no such thing as getting a foul(s) to get a bonus. Please ignore the guy above me, he obviously doesn't watch basketball. On the 7th foul the team is in the bonus.
NBA-6 foulsNCAA Basketball-5FIBA Basketball-5In other leagues outside of America is probably 5, however there could be 6 in others. The NBA is the only one I know where you can have more than 5.
NBAA personal foul is a foul committed by players of the same team. Those fouls committed by players are totaled up and added to the team known as "Team Fouls". For example if your point guard has 2 fouls and your power forward has 3 fouls that means your team would have 5 fouls total. In the NBA 5 team fouls would put the other team in the "Bonus situation" and your team in the "Penalty" where every single foul would result in TWO automatic free throws for the other team. Team fouls will reset after every quarter, however personal fouls will not. Six personal fouls will result in disqualification. NCAA (College)College is different. In college you get 7 team fouls before the "One-And-One Situation" During the "One-and-One" every foul by your team will result in ONE free throw for the other team, however if that person makes his/her free throw, he/she gets to shoot another free throw. If you get 10 team fouls the game will be in the "Double Bonus" where every foul committed by your team will result in TWO automatic free throws for the other team. There are TWO 20 minute halves in college, so the team fouls reset every half. However personal fouls will not. Five personal fouls will result in disqualification.
on the Syracuse basketball team there is 18 players
The double bonus situation is what a team finds themselves in when they have committed a certain number of fouls during a quarter or a half. In the NCAA the double bonus begins when a team gets their 10th foul of the half. For the rest of that half, whenever they commit a foul the opposition gets to shoot two free-throws.
There is a minimum of 10 players and a maximum of 15 players for an NBA basketball team.
Al Sadd Basketball Team was created on 1969-10-21.
Galatasaray Wheelchair Basketball Team was created on 2005-10-20.
57 University of Evansville vs Indiana State University 1-17-2009 Evansville In Missouri Valley Conference Not anymore! 2-23-09 #15 Kansas vs #3 Oklahoma 60 fouls total, (29 KU, 31 OU) 1-16-10 #12 Kansas State vs Colorado 68 total fouls November 12, 2010 Texas A&M 34 fouls Alcorn State 36 fouls Total: 70 EDIT: 91 fouls is the NCAA Men's Basketball Record and NCAA Division II Men's Basketball Record. Northern State had 51 fouls (an NCAA record for a single team in a game) vs Southern Indiana (with 40 fouls) in a triple overtime game on November 15, 1997 The Division I Record: 84 fouls between Arizona (50) and Northern Arizona (34) on January 26, 1953 The Division III Record: 80 fouls between Grinnel College, IA (46) and St. Norbert College, WI (34) on January 8, 2000
there are usually about 10-12 on a basketball team but only five can play at a time, basketball is a sport where five players from each team play to see who can get the basketball into the basket the most. usually teams run plays to try to outwit their opponent or utilize their best assets on the team. free throws are worth on point and you get to shoot them from 16 feet out in front of the basket when someone fouls another player. a foul is when a player breaks a basketball rule and hits another player most other shots are worth two points unless they are outside the three point line, the curved arch. the main aim of basketball is to work hard to develop teamwork and a good work ethic.
There is no set limit but the referee will eventually step in and start cautioning for misconduct, which would eventually result in a send off.