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the solfa is a series of tones

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Q: What is one octive of the sol-fa?
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How do you play just the way you are on keyboard?

The intro: it's F F C C Bflat A Bflat C C ( then repeat it) and while your doing that your gonna do an F octive the D octive then Bflat octive then back to F octive..

What is a solfa in music?


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To play "Our God is an Awesome God" on tonic solfa, you would first identify the key of the song. Then, assign each note of the scale to its corresponding solfa syllable (do, re, mi, etc.). Next, you would notate the melody using the solfa syllables according to the pitch of each note. Finally, you could play the song on an instrument or sing it using the solfa syllables as your guide.

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Piccolo is.

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go to or click on the link. then type in Indiana Jones or raiders march. there are the multiple results. click on the one that says instrumental. if it doesnt play u need to either download whatever it says on the page.

What is the meaning of tonic solfa notation?

Tonic solfa notation is a system of musical notation based on the relationship between the tones of a key, using the syllables of solmization (do, re, mi, etc.) instead of the usual staff symbols: used in teaching singing.

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Can bass clarinets read clarinet music and take it down an octive?

yes (its in the same key)

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gabc gabc gabcgabcgabc with the octive key always on

How old is Orlando octive?

its actually Orlando Octave and i dont even know who he is or his age! :p

How do you play a high E flat on saxphone?

the top side keys. hold down the first 2 and the octive key.