060km,10hour,80km an hour
a temporary interruption of the body's biological clock, experienced when someone travels across time zones, by airplane. This includes fatigue and irritability
when jet air craft travels at high altitudes, the air gets condensed due to variation in atmospheric pressure as well low temperature.
An example of radiation is sunlight. Sunlight is a form of electromagnetic radiation that travels from the sun to Earth.
Because light travels faster than sound
he travels light
The speed of sound generally increases with temperature and the elasticity of the medium through which it travels. In gases, sound travels faster at higher temperatures, while in solids and liquids, the speed of sound is influenced by factors like density and stiffness.
Sound, some earthquake waves.
Numbers. Quantitative observance? This car travels at # miles per hour.
When light travels through an aperture, it diffracts. This results in the light waves spreading out and creating an interference pattern of light and dark areas known as diffraction patterns. The size and shape of the aperture will determine the specific diffraction pattern observed.
Light travels in straight lines on earth, so you can change its angle by refraction but not curve it. However over interstellar distances it has been observed that light is bent by gravitation.