

What is old netball nets made out of?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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11y ago

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The first Netball nets were made from wet paper bags attached to the end of broomsticks.

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Q: What is old netball nets made out of?
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When you score in netball do you call them nets or goals?

well we call them goals because nets are like fishing nets hahaha people think nets are the netball goals and when they do shot its in the goal or it a point it a goal so yea hope you lerant any think

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The difference between basketball and netball is that in basketball you can take more than 2 steps and dribble up the court, but in netball the most amount of steps you can take is 2 and you are put in certain positions. Another difference is that netball is played in thirds and basketball in halves.

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hi there, a netball is made in a factory =) hope this helps

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netball is made of 7 players on a team the court and the umpiers

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A netball is made from leather, rubber or a very similar material.

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Netball was invented in 1892 but was called Women's Basketball not Netball.

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Passes in netball?

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What are Indian's nets made out of?

They are made out of feathers.