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Q: What is lee Jordan's handle on the radio?
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What was Lee Jordans handle on the radio in Harry Potter?

His code name on Potterwatch was "River."

What was Lee Jordan handle on the radio?

LJ CoolCat.

When was Jim Lee - radio - born?

Jim Lee - radio - was born in 1953.

When did Lee de Forest invent the radio?

Lee Deforest made his radio in 1895.

What shoes are better Jordans or shaqs?

jordans are better

What was lee de forest's invention?

a Radio

Where were jordans made?

jordans are made in china

How did lee deforest help the radio?

he invented the tube that made the radio i am payne stewart deforest

Which shoes are better supra or Jordans?

supras jordans

What has the author Paul H Lee written?

Paul H. Lee has written: 'The amateur radio vertical antenna handbook' -- subject(s): Amateurs' manuals, Antennas, Radio

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Did Nike invent Jordans or Jordans invented Nike?

nike invented the jordans but later it got modified by Michael Jordan